
The Pastor’s Wedding Manual is unavailable, but you can change that!

The Pastor’s Wedding Manual is a collection of creative wedding ceremonies to help guide the pastor in making the wedding service a worshipful experience. Henry divides the manual into three sections: one reflects on what to do before the couple says, “I do”; one discusses the planning of the wedding ceremony; and the third section provides numerous samples for the wedding ceremony itself.

to me that day; I inquire how their day is going. Before we move into the questions, I pause and lead in a word of prayer, asking God’s leadership and blessing on our session. Third, I arrange the room so they are seated together, facing me. This gives them more togetherness plus the encouragement they need as they face this uncertain time with a man they may have observed from the pulpit more than any other place! Fourth, I offer them some orange juice or a cup of coffee as we begin. They usually
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